Gordon Mitchell (left), Helen Mitchell (right)

Chairman’s Foreword

Introducing our chairman Mr. Gordon Mitchell and his Good Lady Helen.

Fellow Ralliers, Past Chairmen, Honorary Members and Members of the Midland Centre Caravan Club. I would like to thank you for your support at this year’s Annual General Meeting at Astley Village Hall. I am highly honoured and privileged to be your Chairman the 2024/25 season. Thank you to our Rally Secretary Diane Stokes for all her hard work in organising the 2025 rally program which has a variety of rallies and hopefully something to suit everyone. Thanks must also go to all the landowners for allowing us to use their land and, of course, those members who are giving up their free time to run rallies so that we can enjoy our hobby. I offer my thanks in advance to your Senior Committee for all their hard work, which will arise in the forthcoming season. I hope that you, the members of the Midland Centre Caravan Club, new and old will support your Stewards by booking in for their rallies, but please remember to notify them if you cannot attend after booking. Remember if you book early, you could win a cash prize from the monthly draw. Helen and I look forward to meeting you on the rally field. Feel free to pop round for a cuppa and a chat.

We hope you always have a safe tow.
Best Wishes,
Gordon and Helen Mitchell

Chairman & Regional Representative
Gordon Mitchell